Learn To Rely On Yourself

There are 3 things you can start implementing today to begin working with your sensitivity issue.

But before we get to that, let me provide a bit of context so you can understand why we arrived at this outcome.

It’s subtle, and I was guilty of it for a long time.

It’s hard to notice and even more difficult to accept.

You believe you’re brave, and because there are so many influences around you, it’s almost impossible to focus on the one thing that can make a difference

Because it seems secondary…

How Fear Cripples Your Confidence

Usually, when a practitioner is having trouble feeling the flow of energy, the first thought that comes to mind is that something is wrong with her.

On the other hand, as a hyper-sensitive person, you become overwhelmed with the amount of energy you’re able to channel.

Your interactions become a swirl of energies that go up and down, which is a straight path to confusion.

Without discipline, it’s easy to lose faith in your abilities to practice Reiki, whether that’s on yourself or others.

It’s the fear of doing something wrong…

An emotion that results from mental and emotional blockages.

It’s a state of losing control while being unable to act upon it.

These fears can turn into self-sabotage, give birth to new imbalances, and create an environment that will prevent you from making progress.

There’s always a root cause

So, yes, you can start there.

Yet, it’s not easy to do that because you’re not even sure where to begin.

And it’s not your fault.

In this case …

The Way Reiki Was Presented To You Is The Problem, Not You, Nor The Flow Of Energy 

You struggled for a long time trying to understand where this comes from…

Unfortunately, Reiki is often poorly explained. I would dare to say that some teachers don’t make an effort to properly highlight the essential elements needed to understand what you actually heal.

Moreover, only a handful of Reiki masters take the time to explain how we reach a state of healing using the universal life force energy.

Indeed, some don’t have the patience.

But I wouldn’t blame the rest because teaching requires a different set of skills. Even if a Reiki master is well-intended and wants to help, it takes practice to learn how to communicate a message to others so they can implement it efficiently.

The sad truth is that this leads to more questions than before.


Whether you’re looking to start Reiki again or get unstuck and enhance your practice through a different perspective…

The best thing you can do as a first step is to internalize a set of timeless principles before adding on additional information.

3 Fundamental Truths To Help You Overcome Your Sensitivity Issues And Build Self-Trust

ONE – Stop Using Reiki As A Chore

It’s common to see Reiki as a means to an end.

You want to heal your emotional traumas, lower your anxiety levels, or improve your relationships.

You want to get there as soon as possible and forget that Reiki is not a quick fix but rather work you have to do with yourself to achieve those results.

A mindset shift is the most beneficial thing you can do.

It might sound simple, useless even, but it’s the bedrock for everything that follows.

Schedule a “date” with yourself. This is time alone when you’ll not be bothered for 30-60 min. Set a relaxing atmosphere, light some candles, incense sticks, and play meditation music.

This preparation is designed to change the vibration around and invite you into a state of healing.

Use your own rhythm to focus your attention inwards. Become aware of what you feel with each hand position and let the information surface.

Listen so you can understand.

Integrate Reiki into your life. It’s the fastest way to proper healing and spiritual evolution.

TWO – Reiki Is More Than A Way To Relax

Reiki works whether you’re non-sensitive, normal, or extra-sensitive.

The universal life force energy flows from the higher spiritual planes through your crown chakra and fills your body with pure light.

When this happens, your vibration increases.

Negative emotions like anxiety, fear, envy will gradually transmute into understanding, compassion, and gratitude. It’s a process that will help cleanse your mind and soul.

This will gradually raise your awareness. Your consciousness will grow, and you’ll be making your first steps in your spiritual journey.

I know that sometimes this explanation doesn’t satisfy most people.

And that’s ok.

But it’s the only way you can go deep, discover your imbalances and heal them at the root level. Become whole again and eventually feel at peace and relaxed most of the time.

THREE – Reiki Is A Journey From Within

Like with any spiritual practice, Reiki can help you look inside your inner-self.

It’s how you’ll begin to notice your self-worth, potentials and tap into what’s not always visible at the surface.

This introspection provides answers to questions you might never know how to ask otherwise. It’s a wonderful way to discover your true self and enhance your qualities while balancing your flaws.

  • Learn acceptance towards yourself and others;
  • Discover gratitude regardless of who you interact with. Remember that the people around us are a mirror of our inner-self;
  • Allow forgiveness and compassion to enter your life and free yourself from chains of negativity;

A mindset shift might sound simplistic.

Yet, it can have a strong positive impact on your performance.

Free your mind of misconceptions and learn to accept that the universal energy is there for everyone … including you.

We’re all different. Therefore, we experience everything in our own way.

That’s why it’s crucial to enjoy the process and be thankful for this opportunity instead of hunting for tangible outcomes.

Changes will occur in your own optimum rhythm and in the best way for you.

Let’s Stay In Touch

If you found this message helpful and want to learn more about Reiki, improve your practice, and discover this fascinating art form through our perspective…

I want to invite you to join us on this journey!