We are Reiki enthusiasts
What does that mean?
Reiki Enthusiasts are mothers, grandparents, painters, cat lovers, plant growers, firefighters, educators, freelancers, massage therapists, singers; anyone who wants to grow as an individual and help others along the way.

Basically, most Reiki Enthusiasts seek information to help them get started.
I’ll tell you how to do that in a guided way, shortly.
But seeking information and wanting to learn is not that important.
Sounds crazy, right?!
Even though this plays an important role, it’s not the single most crucial element that leads to your success.
What’s important is to think about what brought you here!
What’s the reason that made you turn to Reiki?
This question is valid for both beginners as well as regular practitioners.
We all practice Reiki to find balance, whether that’s fixing some anxiety or depression issues, physical conditions, improving your relationships, growing spiritually, finding inner peace or strengthening your mental health.
… and many more.
But keep in mind that everyone’s idea of balance is different.
And that’s because we’re all different.
We have different needs and wants and we come from various backgrounds.
That’s the beauty of Reiki: it works for everyone, regardless of where you come from.
Therefore it’s important to determine Your inner balance. What does it look like for you? … and it’s usually multiple things.
“Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from divinity.”
Mikao Usui
And I can’t agree more but I will also add:
Having this well defined or as a constant reminder will give your Reiki practice more meaning and it will make it more efficient in the end.
This dynamic will align your needs with the Universe and it will determine a continuous flow of information/energy instead of making it a confusing, uncertain process.
It’s always easier when you have a goal.
It can be as simple as escaping this fast-paced world just for a few minutes and offer your mind, body, and spirit a moment of peace and silence.
ReikiScoop was created exactly on this concept: Bring down the barriers and create an uninterrupted flow of information.
The common path looks something like this:
- The Reiki enthusiast feels this is the right thing to do, seeks out Reiki material, even a Reiki Master and puts things in motion.
- Unfortunately, more often than not, she ends up with misleading content or information overload, busy Reiki Masters and even skepticism from friends and family.
- This leads to a confused practitioner or even worse, to quitting altogether.
That’s not us!
We seek something different:
At ReikiScoop we’re filling the gap between the Reiki enthusiast and her success.
ReikiScoop explained:
- You find that Reiki is something you want to pursue. Information is everywhere but now you know that what’s most important is what lies within you. What’s the reason behind all of this? What do you seek to achieve and how does balance look like for you?
- To the point, guided information that is suited for each level and comes with complimentary material and support.
- ReikiScoop is the link between the two. Have happier and fulfilled practitioners; so they can influence the people they come in contact with and change the world around them.
IMPORTANT: Even if finding your reason and defining your balance is an important step don’t feel crippled by it and seek answers at all costs. It’s normal to find them as you progress. Just be aware of the concept and always keep your eyes opened.
That’s why here at ReikiScoop, we create products and content for people, not shelves.
We build problem-focused material that people love to consume and tell others about.
I don’t want to serve everybody!
I just want to serve people who care. People who love themselves first, enough to be able to love others and put in the effort to learn how to do things properly.
I’ve been practicing Reiki since 2003. I’ve probably made all the mistakes in the book because I dared to try new things (some unconventional) to learn and get to know myself.
I don’t know everything. Nobody does.
But I know what to avoid and what’s important. I know what matters in Reiki in order to move the needle.
You can always add layers. But what does 80% of the work is the right foundation.
If you have a desire to learn without getting lost in misleading information, grow through Reiki, help yourself and then help others, then I think you’ll love what we have here for you at ReikiScoop.
We help Reiki enthusiasts like you become better practitioners. So that you can better serve yourself as well as others.
We help you fill the gap between confusing content and what matters.
If this resonates with you, stick around!
I’m happy you’ve stopped by and I appreciate you taking the time to read this. It means the world.
I’ll help you become a hero of your own Universe.
What’s next for you, here at ReikiScoop?
If you’re serious about Reiki and dedicated to learning more, you’re in the right place.
Here are a few things you can do:
- Browse our reiki articles and choose the one that suits you best right now;
- Find out more about me;
- And of course, reach out anytime and say “Hello!”. I read and reply to all emails so I would love to hear from you;