7 Reiki Cleansing Techniques To Practice In A Group For Increased Effect

In this article, we’re going to cover a few Reiki techniques for group therapy, passed on by Sensei Hawayo Takata.

As the name suggests, these techniques are meant to aid groups of people practicing Reiki.

They are extremely efficient and any Reiki level student can use them.

The power of the channeled Reiki energy grows exponentially when two or more people are involved.

Be sure to check out Traditional Reiki Cleansing Methods For Yourself, if you’re looking to practice on your own.

You can always refer to these Reiki hand positions if needed.

Reiki Mawashi

Also called the “Reiki Circle”, is a method that involves 3 or more practitioners aiding each other with Reiki energy. 

There are a couple of ways to practice this: a slightly more modern way and the classical one taught by Sensei Hawayo Takata.

The Modern Technique

First, the group has to form a circle while standing or sitting with their back straight.

Each person has their left hand facing upwards and their right hand facing downwards.

The person to your right does the same and so on. 

The right palm of the person on your left will be a few inches above your left palm.

Your right palm will be a few inches above the left palm of the person on your right.

And so on …

After 5-10 minutes you can all change the position of your palms. 

Therefore, your left palm will be facing downwards now while your right palm will be facing upwards.

Hold them still and send energy for another 5-10 minutes.

In doing so, each one can receive the healing energy of Reiki. There is no time limit. When you all decide to finish, you can place your hands in Gassho position and thank each other.

The Classic Way

Sensei Takata taught her students to stay in line, facing each other’s back.

Each has to put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and stay like this for 10-15 minutes. Then you turn around, change positions, and repeat the process.

When you’re done put your hands in Gassho and thank each other.

Throughout the years I have practiced both methods and haven’t found a significant difference between the two.

The feeling was very intense in both cases. Without exception, I can say that the channeled energy has exponentially increased its power.

The more people, the stronger the flow of energy becomes.

Shuchu Reiki

This is also called the “traditional way of channeling Reiki on a person” and it is as simple as its description.

We have multiple practitioners placing their hands simultaneously on one student. There can even be physical contact with the student’s consent. She can either lay down facing upwards/downwards or sit in a chair.

Each practitioner sends Reiki to one part of the body. They can positions whenever they see fit.

It’s important to properly energize and cleanse the head and upper body areas during this process.

Depending on what needs healing, this can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.

At the end of the session, everyone should place their hands in Gassho and offer thanks to one another.

Renzoku Reiki

This is also called the “Reiki Marathon”.

Renzoku Reiki involves one or more practitioners sending Reiki to one student for a prolonged period. This can vary from 1-3 hours and even more, depending on the need.

The receiver can sit either sit in a chair with their back straight or lye on a flat surface facing up or down.

The practitioners can change between themselves several times. This can be done as much as needed and for the good of the receiver.

As always, when done, everyone should thank one another in the Gassho position.

Hanshin Chiryo Ho 

This is also called the “half-body therapy” and its a rather simple technique.

The practitioner uses his hands by rubbing the student’s back on the sides of the spine. This is done from the tail bone all the way up to the base of the skull. 

Remember that the hands are thoroughly rubbing the muscles on the sides of the spine, not the spine itself. 

Repeat 20 times.

Hanshin Koketsu Ho

Also known as “the half-body blood cleansing method”.

This method of cleansing follows any of the treatments presented above. You can do it as a stand-alone method of cleansing but I strongly recommend it after performing therapy on someone else.

It consists of three parts. There is a bit of controversy regarding the order but I’ll explain it the way I’ve learned it.

1. Take your index and middle fingers from your dominant hand and touch the base of the student’s skull with their fingertips.

  • Firmly but slowly go down the sides of the spine and all the way to the sacral area. When you’re there, press the two sides of the spine with your two fingers while holding your breath for no more than 2 seconds;
  • Do this 20 times;

2. Place your palms on the student’s shoulders with your fingers straight, touching each other.

  • Gently but firmly swipe your hands from the spine outwards. Do so simultaneously like wiping dust off a surface;
  • Repeat in 5 sections from the upper back to the lower back. Split these sections as you see fit;

3. Swipe using your dominant hand from the right shoulder all the way to the left hip. Do the same from the left shoulder all the way to the right hip.

  • Repeat for a total of 20 times, 10 for each swipe;
  • This method is also extremely beneficial for severing the energetic strings that we have with other people or events from our past. By removing these strings we detach from the energies that keep us connected to those people and moments;
  • Doing so, we can move on without any holdbacks and recalibrate ourselves;

Zenshin Koketsu Ho

This method is also known as the “whole body blood cleansing”.

Place your hands in the following 9 positions for about 5 minutes each. If your intuition tells you otherwise, then hold them there for longer.

  1. Eyes;
  2. Head temples;
  3. Back of the head;
  4. Top of the head;
  5. The base of the head where the spine meets the skull;
  6. Lungs;
  7. Heart;
  8. Stomach;
  9. Lower abdomen;

Now we’ll go through a second, more dynamic part.

You can do this using both hands if the patient is lying down. If she/he is sitting, then use your dominant hand for the following exercises while stabilizing the patient with the non-dominant one.

  • Through continuous movements, firmly rub the arms starting from the shoulders and all the way down to the fingertips. Do this 5 times;
  • The same goes for the legs. Use firm, continuous rubbing movements for the exterior of the legs starting from the hips and all the way to the toes. Do this 5 times;

This procedure activates the patient’s blood flow, energy centers, and energy channels (meridians). It allows both the internal and universal energy to have a better flow.

Ketsueki Kokan Ho

This is also known as “Kekko” or “nerve stroke” as translated by Hawayo Takata. 

Also used for blood and body cleansing, this technique comprises all the above and can be very well used after a complete Reiki treatment.

Although the patient can benefit from this method by sitting or standing, I really recommend the horizontal position.

This procedure involves physical contact so make sure to ask for approval before you start.

1. Use your index and middle finger in a V-shape (peace) position. Place them at the base of the head, where the spine connects with the skull.

  • Firmly slide your fingers on the sides of the spine, without touching it, all the way down to the sacral area. When you reach the endpoint slightly push the two fingers into the area while exhaling. This whole procedure is done at least 20 times and as you pass on to a higher number, your swiping speed increases;
  • This not only helps keep an optimum blood flow but it greatly energizes the main energy channel – Sushumna. This is the channel through which the main flow of universal life force energy goes;

2. Place both hands on the cervical muscles. Your left-hand goes on the left side of the spine while your right hand on the right side of the spine. They will both be close to the spine but won’t touch it.

  • Use your hands to firmly swipe towards the exterior of the body. Split the back into 5 segments from the cervical muscle area to the sacral area;
  • Repeat 5 times per back segment;
  • Considering that the blood has its own energy and vibration, this exercise optimizes its circulation. It also helps cleanse the back of any residual and negative energy strings that we might have attached. Those strings mostly connect to our past;

3. This part is either done with both hands or with your dominant hand while the non-dominant hand stabilizes the patient.

  • Use your hand(s) to firmly rub the lumbar area from left to right. Repeat at least 10 times;
  • This has the role of greatly energizing the kidneys and sacral area for a better flow of vital and sexual energy;

4. Place the non-dominant hand where the left leg connects to the body, stabilizing it while gripping the heel with the dominant hand.

  • Gently pull the leg as if you would stretch a rope and then release it;
  • Do the same for the right leg;
  • This action breaks trapped residual energies from this part of the body;

5. Using both your hands or your dominant hand firmly swipe the following parts of each leg all the way to the toes:

  • Exterior – 5 times;
  • Upper part – 5 times;
  • Inner part 5 times – starting from the middle of the thigh to respect the intimate parts of your patient;

This method cleanses the legs from residual energies and helps keep an optimum flow of universal energy.

6. Keep both of your palms slightly curved, like you would hold water.

  • Gently tap the patient’s back on each side (left and right) from the cervical muscle area all the way down to the sacral area. Do this 5 times for each side;
  • Move down to the legs and start tapping the exterior, upper part and inside of each leg. Do this 5 times for each side;
  • This exercise helps stabilize the energy fields of the patient and increases blood flow. It resembles a massage session;

7. Gently comb the aura of the patient to balance her/his energy fields and remove any remaining residual energies.

8. Use the Gassho position and thank the patient for offering you the privilege of practicing this great technique.

As mentioned before, Ketsueki Kokan Ho includes most of the techniques presented before. You can use it on its own after providing Reiki treatment to a patient.

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NOTE-01: Always be aware of your patient’s physical condition. If she/he is an elder person or has some sort of condition, perform the exercise gently.

NOTE-02: If the patient is suffering from diabetes, stomach or pancreas issues, then all the procedures that start from the head downwards have to be changed. In this case, start to use them from the feet or sacral area upwards.

NOTE-03: Don’t use these techniques over open wounds or recently injured patients. You can still apply them to the aura with the patient’s approval.

I recommend practicing Hanshin Chiryo Ho, Hanshin Koketsu Ho, Zenshin Koketsu Ho, and Ketsueki Kokan Ho after a full Reiki treatment of the patient.

Always use the Gassho position and have a clear intention at the beginning as well as at the end of any type of Reiki treatment.

The purpose of Gassho is to thank the spirit that is within the patient and harmonize with the light within her/him.

As an example:

You can start with the clear intention of practicing a full Reiki treatment. Use Gassho to offer thanks and go for it. When you’re done, have the intention to use one of the presented techniques (for example Ketsueki Kokan Ho). In the end, use Gassho to offer appreciation.

Drop Us A Line

Are these techniques new to you?

Do you find them useful and are you thinking of putting them into practice? If so, which one(s)?

Would be great to hear your thoughts on this.

Just drop us a line in the comments section below.


Vlad and ReikiScoop

Vlad is the co-founder of ReikiScoop, a spiritual brand that supports those eager to tap into the universal life force energy through specialized courses, an actionable newsletter, and inspiring resources. He is a dedicated Reiki enthusiast and spiritual seeker who has reached the master-teacher level in Usui Reiki, Karuna, and Shamballa MDH.

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