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Let's Practice Reiki Together! ➝ Learn How

Shika Sei Ki & Shika So: Aid Your Heart Soul And Emotional Connection

Shika Sei Ki and Shika So are two Reiki symbols that go beyond the traditional Usui system. You can use them to enhance communication and help heal emotional connections with oneself and others.

Only a few Reiki schools teach these symbols. They are part of an old, non-traditional spiritual teaching on Reiki that is considered secret. However, they are extremely valuable in helping you improve your practice.

Aside from Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and Dai Ko Myo, at Reiki level 2, you may also incorporate these two symbols in your practice:

  • Shika Sei Ki – can help heal your heart and soul;
  • Shika So – facilitates the connection between emotions and communication;

They work perfectly together.

One cleanses and opens your emotional layer, while the other aids you in expressing yourself appropriately.

The combination of these symbols aids in the development of a therapeutic link between your inner-self and those around you. This usually occurs when you have an open heart and a desire to express your emotions.

As a result, the two complement each other to provide an energetic and spiritual balance in their own unique ways.

Let’s look at what each of them can do for us in greater detail and see how they may assist us both physically and spiritually.

Shika Sei Ki and Shika So Reiki symbols

What’s The Meaning Of The Shika Sei Ki Reiki Symbol

Shika Sei Ki is the Reiki symbol for peace, which can also translate as:

“Love that travels from heart to heart.”

You can use Shika Sei Ki with the heart chakra (Anahata) to connect with the divine love and compassion of the universe. It’s an ideal symbol for supporting the healing process at this level.

In Reiki self-treatment, Shika Sei Ki can help remove negative energies such as stress, anger, and anxiety. This makes it an essential symbol for restoring balance and peace within. It can be powerful for healing relationships of all kinds when used with other symbols.

Additionally, it has a solid ability to focus universal energy within one area.

This Is How To Draw Shika Sei Ki

How to draw the Shika Sei Ki Reiki symbol?

How And When To Use Shika Sei Ki

Shika Sei Ki is ideal for helping clear away low-vibrational emotions, such as stress, anger, sadness, and depression. To activate it, place your hands on your heart area and focus on the feeling of peace and serenity. Then, continue this exercise for 5-10 minutes to maximize the cleansing effect.

You can use Shika Sei Ki in self-treatment to clear away negative energy and emotions, open your heart chakra, and raise your vibration. This can open you up to offering and receiving love by filling your heart chakra with pure energy and compassion.

You’ll also help alleviate physical imbalances by healing at the emotional level. But, of course, the outcome depends on the person’s readiness to accept and modify their own views on themselves as well as their connection to the rest of the world.

At a physical level, Shika Sei Ki can help with cardiovascular issues like:

  • Hypotension and hypertension;
  • Oscillating tension;
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • Tachycardias;
  • Myocardium inflammation;

The above have roots in low-vibrational emotions, and that’s how Shika Sei Ki’s influence can go a long way in restoring balance and health.

NOTE: When anxiety, sadness, and stress are extremely strong, they might be mistaken with the onset of a heart attack. If you’re looking for a more scientific answer, Harvard Medical School has an excellent short essay called “Calm your anxious heart” that addresses this topic in greater detail.

Shika Sei Ki In Relationship With The Energy Of Your Soul

Whenever we suffer a break-up, the loss of a dear one, or even when we’re leaving a beautiful place, we tend to “lose” a part of our soul. It’s as if a piece of us is still there, connected to that certain place or person.

What exactly occurs is a mix of low-vibrational emotions that begins to overwhelm us, which puts a lot of strain on our emotional bodies. With time, this makes us vulnerable to depression, fear, anxiety, and even mistrust.

If left untreated, these can have unpleasant effects on our physical and energetic health.

Shika Sei Ki can help you recover the “lost” parts of your soul.

Whenever you feel sad, activate your palms with the following sequence: Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Shika Sei Ki. Then, place your hands over the heart area for 5-10 minutes to gradually bring a feeling of completion and joy. This happens because the sequence releases the residual energy while opening a dimension towards healing light.

In this case:

  • Cho Ku Rei will become the “light switch”;
  • Sei He Ki will open the dimension, release the negative energy, and harmonize;
  • Shika Sei Ki will go deep into the emotional level to fix the problem;
  • If you are attuned to Reiki level 3, you can also add Dai Ko Myo to enhance the overall effect;

You may use the same procedure on others as well.

Other Uses Of The Shika Sei Ki Reiki Symbol

The different uses of Shika Sei Ki can help Reiki practitioners better understand how to use this symbol for healing and other purposes. It’s a way to support personal growth or create a more harmonious environment to live and work in.

Here are a few examples:

  • Draw Shika Sei Ki + Sei He Ki in the center of a room to create a warm and loving environment;
  • Shika Sei Ki is very useful in relationships because it can remove monotony and bring back emotional balance;
  • In couples, you may place your activated palms on your partner’s heart area and vice versa. This will create a feeling of harmony and surface emotions that you both need to express. It’s a way to acknowledge the root of the problem, which is the real path to healing any issue;
  • Together with Shika So, they complete the healing of the emotional-communication channel;
  • Keeping the throat and heart chakras in balance will help you express your emotions harmoniously;

To make it easier for practitioners to find what they are looking for when they need it, we’ve added these symbols and more in our “Ultimate Reiki Symbols Guide.” It’s an actionable and to-the-point manual that will save you time and support your long-term efforts.

Shika So Reiki Symbol

Shika So works great with the throat chakra to improve communication. It can also help with thyroid problems and other energetic imbalances at the fifth chakra level. This symbol may support the connection with other people and remove anxiety when speaking to a large group.

This Is How To Draw Shika So

When using Shika So Reiki symbol in couples, it is often best to visualize it in bright light between you and the other person. This will help facilitate communication and lead to the best outcome for both parties involved.

At the physical level, it can aid:

  • Hypo and hyperthyroidism;
  • Parathyroid insufficiency;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Cervical spondylosis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Coughing;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Ankylopoetic spondylitis;

How And When To Use Shika So

You may apply Shika So directly to the throat chakra or blend it with your daily Reiki self-treatment. It will gradually release accumulated and/or negative energy from the throat region, allowing the universal life force energy to enter.

Consider adding Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to enhance the effect.

And … you can use the same procedure when practicing Reiki on others.

  • It works great with both the energetic and physical bodies (especially the thyroid area);
  • Draw it in the middle of a room to facilitate the expression and communication of the people who enter that space;
  • Use it regularly to increase your chances of surfacing the thoughts that need to be expressed. This is a great way to work with your blockages. Of course, be mindful of what you speak. While it’s healthy to let go of certain emotions, you also want to be selective with what you share;
  • I prefer using Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Shika So to balance the communication and expression;
  • Shika So works very well with Shika Sei Ki to combine the healing of both the heart and throat chakras for a more complete treatment;

You may positively affect the lives of others when you communicate your feelings appropriately. By doing so, you’ll be able to release “trapped” emotions that can only be expressed through communication. In fact, performing this alone may help with the healing process.

That is why the throat and heart chakras strongly correlate with one another.

reiki symbols guide promo

A Quick Summary Of The Most Important Elements Of Shika So

One of the most fascinating things about Reiki symbols is that there are many ways to use them. For example, Shika So can help you open up and be more expressive. At the same time, it can heal your physical imbalances or overcome certain blockages.

Working with the throat chakra is especially beneficial for communication, whether with a partner, in a group setting, or in everyday life. Furthermore, you may use the symbol to free you from shyness and amplify your creative side.

Enjoy Reiki’s flexibility, and don’t be afraid to explore. You’re the only one who can decide how to use the symbols to best effect. It can be a confusing and lonely journey at times, but the beauty of this process will reveal itself sooner than you might expect.


Vlad and ReikiScoop

Vlad is the co-founder of ReikiScoop, a spiritual brand that supports those eager to tap into the universal life force energy through specialized courses, an actionable newsletter, and inspiring resources. He is a dedicated Reiki enthusiast and spiritual seeker who has reached the master-teacher level in Usui Reiki, Karuna, and Shamballa MDH.

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31 thoughts on “Shika Sei Ki & Shika So: Aid Your Heart Soul And Emotional Connection”

  1. I loved learning about these symbols, so interesting and informative. Thank you so much Vlad for all this information and tips that we can add to our reiki practice.

  2. HI vlad
    lovely pictures and direction of how to draw the symbols
    Just curioius on the Shika sei Ki
    after number 3, for the square starting at number 4 arrow, then 5 for down on the right of the square, when do you draw the left hand side of the square please?
    Thank you

    • Hi Ali,

      The left part was supposed to be number 3 but it was my mistake in the drawing having those corners. Honestly, you don’t need to worry so much about the numbers or lines, focus on the essence and value of the symbol.


  3. Hello Vlad,
    I am so glad to find these Shika Sei Ki and Shika So Symbols with your excellent presentation of them.
    I’m a bit confused by your reference to referring to Sei He Ki to remove negative energies in your discussion in the part about the meaning of the Shika Sei Ki Reiki symbol. Did you mean Shika Sei Ki instead of Sei He Ki?
    I appreciate your sharing.



    • Hi there Phyllis,

      Yes, you are correct, it was a mistype. I will modify it. Thank you for pointing that out.


  4. Thank you for all your wonderful updates and information. I love reading your articles, after a long lapse in time, i am starting to gain back my interest in Reiki. I put in on the back boiler for too long, as there was little support or sharing . I checked out Reiki shares, unfortunately they never seemed to take off for some reason.

    • Hi Marian,

      Well, I am grateful and happy that the articles are useful to you. The information and energy will reach the right people at the right time so we shouldn’t be worried about the shares.


    • Hi Margaret,

      If you already are a Reiki master/teacher, then all you have to do is connect to the energy print of these two symbols through meditation. You will notice that it’s quite easy to integrate their energy into your body structure.


  5. Hi
    Thank you for your interesting article
    So I’m curious about these two new symbols?
    May I ask who channelled them?
    Where do they come from
    Im a a Tera Mai Reiki master and teacher for 23 years now
    Looking forward to hearing from you
    Thank you

    • Hi Jahne,

      They were channeled a long time ago as being part of the level 2 Usui Reiki system. They don’t belong to the traditional knowledge, but through their energy and vibration, you can achieve incredible results. I have received them from my teacher, and he from his teacher and so on.


  6. I really enjoyed using these symbols. I guided to your page late last night. I attuned myself with the help of my reiki spirit guides. I feel much lighter this morning. I had a interesting dream with difficult pets of my past with a happier outcome. Thank you so much!

    • Hi Tamara,

      You are most welcome and I am grateful that this was useful to you! Yes, basically you can get self-attuned by connecting to these symbols’ energy print.


  7. Hi Vlad,
    I, too, enjoyed reading this article. The symbols were so natural to draw. Although not tuned to them, it felt right to try them out and they seemed to work.
    I loved the way how talk about clearing negative energy which makes sense and then to heal.
    I have been using Reike since the late 90’s on family and friends. I found Distance Healing was successful. With Blessings Jenny

    • Hi Jenny.

      Even if you are not attuned, you can meditate and self-attune yourself by connecting to their energy print. They belong to the Usui Reiki level 2.

      I am grateful that the offered information was useful to you!


  8. Hi Vlad,
    Thanks for your excellent work! You give us truly useful knowledge by writing easily accessible articles.
    I am certainly going to use these symbols (just have to ingest a pile of other information, right now).
    I love Reiki s/he is my best friend.
    Kindest Regards,
    Florian 🌻

    • Hi Florian and thank you so much for your kind words! I am genuinely grateful that the information offered was helpful to you!

      Please, by all means, use these symbols and work with them! you will see the difference in your practice and the energy they bring.


  9. Hi Vlad,

    Thank you for detailed and very clear articles, they have been immensely helpful. I am attuned to Usui Reiki level 2 and have been practicing CKR+SHK+HSZSN since couple of years. I now want to incorporate Shika Sei Ki and Shika So. I got good idea after reading your article but have couple of questions, appreciate if you can clarify –

    Q1: Can these two symbols be used with HSZSN to heal past and send across time to people or a long-distance relationship?

    Q2: When in public place is it alright to initiate symbols one after the other by just thinking and silently saying their names 3 times?

    Thank You,

    • Hi there Vatsala and thank you so much for your kind words and wonderful feedback. I really appreciate it!

      These are two very good questions.

      1. Yes, you can combine them with the distance healing symbol for you and others in order to heal past imbalances. However, when doing this for others, always have their consent before engaging in this practice!

      2. If you are applying these symbols on you alone and not on others without their consent, then it’s alright.

      There’s always an ethical conduct that needs to be taken into consideration when practicing Reiki on others – and of course, this applies to almost everything in life.

  10. Thank you so much for your lovely and interesting page. Is it possible to add shika sei ki and shika so in attunments for Reiki II? Or should each person attune themselves with meditation on the symbols? Love Ulla

    • Hi there Ula. What I recommend is that first you should tap into the energy and information that these two symbols bring. More exactly, meditate on them and incorporate them into your daily practice. After gaining a healthy connection with them, you are able to offer them to others through the attunement process for Usui Reiki level 2.

  11. Good day Vlad,

    I have a question on these symbols from you latest email article, Improve Communication With These Two Reiki Symbols. If they’re non-traditional, what is their history? Where did the two symbols come from?

    Have a great day/evening.



    • Hi there Ed.

      The story goes that they were channeled by Iris Ishikuro, the student of Ms. Takata who broke the pattern of the 10000 USD Reiki Master-Teacher Attunements. After receiving the attunements in Reiki, Iris decoded to go on her own path and found the Johrei school of healing – where she perfected the art of channeling universal life force energy through her palms. This is the time she channeled these two symbols and that’s why they are considered “non-traditional”.



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